Holiday Preparation From a Handmade Jeweler Eyes

Every year it seems like we blink and the Holiday Season is upon us, then we blink again and it’s gone.  A month long of celebrations and shopping will take months of preparation.   Running an online jewelry business planning for my Holiday Season shoppers takes about 6 months.   Here are some of the components I use when planning for a busy holiday shopping season.


Before I spend money on anything related to the Holiday Season, from buying supplies for new designs to spending money on ads I sit down and create a detailed budget.   Besides for tracking my monthly expenses on an Excel spreadsheet, I also create a budget specifically for the Holiday Season.  Some of the expenses I list on my budget are Supplies for Holiday Jewelry Collection, Marketing, Holiday Show Fees, Personnel, and Additional Postage.   I create 2 columns one labeled “Budgeted” and the other “Actual,” this allows me to track my actual spending and to see how close I’m getting to what I’ve budgeted.  Majority of the time I’m a one woman show, but around the Holidays I tend to do more on site shows and need to put aside capital for vendor fees and personnel to help out.  Kabbage is actually an excellent resource to gain additional funding this time of year to help out in these areas particularly.  Once my budget is set I can begin planning out the rest of the season.


Designing a Holiday Collection

Every year I release a new winter/holiday collection and I begin brainstorming ideas for the collection around May/June.   A lot times I’ll look what current designs are working for me and see if I can create something similar, but extra special for the Holiday Season.  Using a sketchpad and Sharpies I sketch out ideas for designs. Here’s an example of something I created for last year’s collection:

Sketchbook_PolaroidPolaroid_Pumpkin Spice Distress Metal Dangle Earrings 1

I start creating the jewelry pieces around July and they are usually posted up online by August/September.   For this year’s Holiday Collection I was inspired by pyrite stones (also known as fool’s gold).  I found a way to work the stones into my metal designs and came up with pieces I think my customers will like.


Shimmer Holiday Jewelry Collection


Time Management and Organization

The Holiday Season gets busy really fast and if I don’t have a good handle on time management and organization things will go haywire really fast.  With organization I work more efficiently when I have a bird’s eye view of everything.  A few weeks ago I came across the pdf version of Passion Planner and it’s such a lifesaver.  It has helped me organize my tasks and goals week by week.  I include everything in the planner from setting aside time to create marketing content for my Holiday sales to dedicating time to create additional jewelry pieces that are popular during the Holidays.  I also use the Pomodoro technique when completing each of my tasks so that I’m sure to stay on track, but still manage to take breaks get other things done as well.  My office space is also neatly organized into 3 stations, a packaging order station, jewelry creation and supplies station and administration area where I can work on my product listings, work on my website and etc;

Holiday Organization



My marketing plan for the Holiday Season is always extremely detailed since it’s the biggest shopping time of the year.  When creating my marketing plan I also keep in mind that I’m competing with big retailers as well.  I design handmade jewelry, so having deeply discounted items are just not feasible or financially friendly to my bottom line.  However, this gives me a chance to brainstorm and get crazy creative.  For example, this year I’ve created a Holiday DIY Style Gift Guide where once customers sign up to my list they’ll receive the gift guide as well as access to coupon codes and sales I’ll be having throughout the Holiday season,  Holiday Party Looks and other great Holiday centric ideas.  I use this time to not only attract new customers, but interact with current ones as well.  Pinterest and Instagram are also major platforms in my marketing strategy.  Last year I did an Instagram giveaway contest called “Holiday Party Attire” where users would post pictures of their Holiday Attire with a particular hashtag and got a chance at winning a jewelry item from my shop.  This year my big push is “Jewelry Item of the Week” where each week for the next month  customers can receive that item near my wholesale price for that week only.  Last week it was my Hand Stamped Wine Charms and this week it’s the Geometric Floating Cuff Links for Men.  Running a sale like this allows me to remain profitable, but gives my customers a chance to try something new as well in my shop.

A Piece of Me – My Sketchbook

Last month I had a wonderful opportunity to attend Blogalicious 5.  Not only was I amazed by all of the wonderful bloggers that I got a chance to meet and chat with, but I was even grateful enough to hear some really great keynote speakers.  One of the speakers that really gave me a great breath of fresh air was Hamilton Brown, Sr. Marketing Director from Taco Bell.  He spoke about connecting to your brand, being transparent–human, making people connect to your brand.  Well, how do you do this?  He said, “Share those things that are intimate to you.”

My sketchbook, is probably the most intimate tool that I have when it comes to designing my jewelry.  So intimate most people (including my family) probably don’t even know that I have one.  It’s one of those things that as an artist you can always turn to to flesh out ideas in your head, the contents in it may not make any sense, but who cares it’s still yours and all that matters is that it makes sense to you, right?!  This is what I tell myself at least.  So today I’m opening up and letting you in.  I hope you enjoy the peek into My Sketchbook.  Feel free to leave me comments or follow my blog.



Sketchbook_Page 3

What Works for Me…

This post today is dedicated to my fellow artsy, handcrafters out there who create nothing, but beautiful art pieces (in all forms), especially to the who’s “Art Work” is their bread and butter J

I’ve been an independent jewelry designer for some years and have been on Etsy for about 2 ½ years.  I remember when I first started out, I thought OMG…trying to grow as an independent designer is a lot of work between designing and just the business aspect by itself.  Fortunate enough to have a background in business, certain things came easier than others.  I remember looking through the different shops on Etsy and thinking, “Why in the world don’t my pictures look like this?” I even began to blame my camera. Then I realized after doing my “photography” homework a few simple changes and much practice did some good!





Over the years I began to take note on the items that became popular and sold, whether they were on Etsy, at craft shows and/or custom request.  Here were some things that I found really helped me out over the years, hopefully they can help you to.

Social Networking Sites

I know I know, you’ve probably heard this soooo many times. In fact, you may even wonder if the time spent actually helps improve your bottom line.  Here’s my take on it, it’s a tool that if you use it the right way is a superb channel to brand yourself.  Now, I’m not saying to go out there and sign up for every single social networking site available—that’s just plain ol crazy!  Start with this, who’s your demographic, audience AND niche? There are many different social networking sites out there and you need to find out which ones your “audience” is hanging out on. And update is regularly!!!! Which brings me to my next section…


Some of you are probably saying what’s the difference between your niche and audience? Your niche is basically your focus and the audience is who you are trying to reach.  Not sure who your niche is? Well let me help you.  Take a look at your sales over the past few months, who were the types of customers that purchased from you? Based on what you know, where do they live (city, suburbs, rural—not sure google their zip code), what exactly did they purchase from you?  If you need to drill deeper, use Survey Monkey to conduct a brief survey.  Speaking of which leads into my next section…

Hot Sellers

Take a survey of what actually sells and what doesn’t.  Have a product that has been sitting for a year, well is it because of price or does it just not appeal to your niche? Produce more of what actually sells.  Now I know, you want to keep that “unique” creative appeal and not create too many replicas of one thing.  Well, maybe you can tailor it slightly different.  For example, below is a clutch that I posted on my Etsy site at the beginning of November and it sold on Cyber Monday after it sold I received 5 emails requesting that I create additional ones like this.

Brown and Cream Foldover Clutch

Craft Show 101

My husband can attest to how many craft shows I’ve done, to only come home frustrated, tired and only selling a couple items.  My advice is to be selective in which shows you participate in.  You want to participate in shows location wise that are directed to your target audience. Ask yourself this– how much promotion is being done by either the show promoter or the venue that’s planning the show? What’s the crowd type that will attend, are they artsy, conservatives, young, etc;

These are just tidbits to get the juices flowing and thought process rolling.  After all, hard-work is must, but sometimes it’s about working smarter not harder.

Shop Indie Entrepreneurs this Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches and we begin to make our lists and start checking them twice (not because Santa Claus is coming to town because most of us are on a budget this season) take a look at some Indie Crafters.  Trust me, you will not be disappointed.  There are truly some creative Indies out there with “out of this world” items.  Check out Etsy, Artfire, WinkElf, just name of few.  If that’s not convincing enough, here are a few good reasons to Shop Handmade this Holiday.

1.      Support CraftPreneurs– Believe it or not they are part of the economy.  As a matter of fact small businesses make up a great percentage of the economy.  Not only will you be supporting a fellow entrepreneur, it’ll help put money back into our local and domestic economies.

2.      Personable and Unique Items– It’s true!  A lot of these items you’ll see on these Indie Market sites are the most unique and personable ever.  Indie crafters put much time and hard-work into their product, very seldom will you be dissatisfied.  The items aren’t mass produce, so you definitely won’t see them on the racks or shelves of large retail giants.

3.      Avoid shopping mall crowd-This is what everyone hates about the holidays, waiting for someone to pull out of a parking spot, dealing with packed malls and long lines.

If these reasons aren’t good enough, well just scope out some of the great holiday gift items I found from some Indie Preneurs.

Teal Clock-$40

Teal Clock-$40

Bridges of Madison-$19

Bridges of Madison-$19

Tierra Earth-$18

Tierra Earth-$18

Gucci Designs for Mary J. Blige

Gucci Twirl-WWD

Gucci Twirl-WWD

Gucci’s creative director, Frida Giannini, has created the most stunning limited edition watch for Mary J Blige and Steve Stoute’s Foundation for the Advancement of Women Now (FFAWN).  A percentage from a day’s sale of this all black chrome and black diamond watch will be donated the Mary’s foundation which helps women who have complex backgrounds build their self-esteem and confidence.  This Twirl watch retails at $1,895 and can be purchased at Gucci’s flagship store on 5th Avenue in NYC, as well as, specialty stores and select department stores on September 16th

~Kamilah C.

The Pink Locket

The Pink Locket Etsy

To learn more about FFWAN visit:

Shopping at SCAD

Little by Jenny Skinny

Little by Jenny Skinny

I was surfing the SCAD store online today and came across some really, really cool wearable art.  One of the many I adored was this dress by Brooklyn native, Jenny Little.  Its a one size fits all and comes in eithe olive or asphalt.  Looks like the perfect summer dress.

By: Kamilah C.

The Pink Locket

The Pink Locket Etsy



If you are in the Atlanta area and crave for designer jeans at a sale price then check out The Warehouse Sale this weekend.  They’ll have a wide selection of designer jeans such as Antik, 7 For All Mankind, Chip and Pepper, True Religion, Rock & Republic and much more.  Jeans are priced up to 85% off.  Plus if you buy any 4 items you get 1 free, talk about a deal.  Check out the details below.

Friday, March 20th 2pm-8pm

Sat, March 21st 10am-4pm

The Ballroom at TWELVE Atlantic Station

361 17th Street

Atlanta, GA  30363

RSVP at for FREE admission

By: Kamilah C.

The Pink Locket

Designs for the “First Family”

As the holiday season approaches and we bring in the new year with of course a “new” president.  Everyone is already talking about January 20th.  Many designers have submitted sketches for Michelle and the girls.  Check out this article from

By: Kamilah C.

The Pink Locket

Michelle Obama: What Should She Wear?

Michelle Obama: What Should She Wear?

by Bridget Foley  and  Bobbi Queen 

Posted Monday December 01, 2008

Last Edited Friday December 05, 2008

From WWD Issue 12/03/2008

Photo By: Courtesy Photo

Isaac Mizrahi sketch for Michelle, Sasha and Malia Obama.

Monique Llluihier sketch for Michelle Obama

Photo By: Courtesy Photo

Monique Lhuillier sketch for Michelle Obama.

Who says these are bleak times? On one matter at least, designers are positively euphoric. That is the Obama presidency, a two-part point of light. While much of the glee centers around the President-elect and his policies, Michelle Obama radiates a powerful style all her own. So step aside, Angelina. You too, Madonna, not to mention the bevy of pop tarts, gossip girls, “High School Musical” grads and even potential Oscar divas, now all suddenly second-tier. The American fashion industry hasn’t had a catch this big since, well, since another icon of Democratic chic took up residency on Pennsylvania Avenue in 1961.

For the big guns at least, dressing Michelle may prove even more of a challenge, since her chic is more lowercase democratic than was Jackie’s. Throughout the campaign, the first lady-to-be has avoided all major names save Narciso Rodriguez, while showing a proclivity for locals (Chicago’s Maria Pinto), young types (Thakoon; Jason Wu) and cost-conscious labels (Donna Ricco; J. Crew).

Nevertheless, just about everyone yearns to dress Michelle, who could raise the profile of American fashion around the world. Yet with the exception of Maria Cornejo, her current favorites, as well as a few majors, declined WWD’s request for sketches. Some are loath to presume to offer unsolicited advice, while others, it seems, are definitely in the Inaugural sweepstakes and prefer, or have been asked, to keep their participation low-pro.

But plenty more happily offered their visions for Michelle and her charming first daughters, for the big day and evening events of Jan. 20.


See all sketches for Michelle>> 


See sketches for Malia and Sasha Obama>>