Make It Monday: Make Time For Yourself

Make Time

Today’s Make It Monday is a bit different.  It’s nothing crafty or stylish (although it could be), but it’s something we need to remember to do regularly.  I personally didn’t realize the importance of this until recently.  We become so consumed with daily activities and responsibilities that we forget that every now and then we need to stop and take some time back for ourselves.  Here are 5 things you can do when you take a time out for yourself.

  1. Go for a walk.  Take in the scenery, smile at a stranger or whistle while you walk.

walking in city

2. Take up yoga.  This has to be one of the best ways to de-stress and center your mind.




3. Grab a cup of your favorite coffee.  I’m a coffee lover and I love walking into a coffee shop and smelling freshly brewed coffee.

grab coffee

4. Get lost in a bookstore.

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

5. Learn to play an instrumentplaying guitar

Be sure to sign up to my list to receive more posts like this, as well as, ones on personal style, fashion and first access to my jewelry collection releases.




Organize With Style

It’s that time of year again that I like to call Pre-Spring cleaning.  Among many other projects that I have going on, the re-organization of my studio/office area is going to be the most challenging.  I use the word challenging because the biggest issue that I have is the size of the space and the many functions that it serves.  It’s an office area and jewelry studio for The Pink Locket and then a personal spot for my crafting, organizing bills and files and other miscellaneous personal things.  One key change I plan to make is the use of the walls to store items and I’m also going to convert a standing wardrobe into jewelry work station.  I’ve been collecting my ideas on my Pinterest Office Ideas board.  Hopefully in about a month I’ll have a beautiful all purpose space that I’d like to call it.  Here are some of my must haves for this new space.



I love this type of shelving space.  It’s both practical and aesthetically eye pleasing.

 My new space definitely needs to have a positive flow of energy, so I will be using this setup as a guide on how to setup my desk space.





This is also a must for my new space, an L shaped desk.  It will help get organized and remain organized.

Have any stylish organizing tips for my new office space?  Please leave me a comment below.

Holiday Preparation From a Handmade Jeweler Eyes

Every year it seems like we blink and the Holiday Season is upon us, then we blink again and it’s gone.  A month long of celebrations and shopping will take months of preparation.   Running an online jewelry business planning for my Holiday Season shoppers takes about 6 months.   Here are some of the components I use when planning for a busy holiday shopping season.


Before I spend money on anything related to the Holiday Season, from buying supplies for new designs to spending money on ads I sit down and create a detailed budget.   Besides for tracking my monthly expenses on an Excel spreadsheet, I also create a budget specifically for the Holiday Season.  Some of the expenses I list on my budget are Supplies for Holiday Jewelry Collection, Marketing, Holiday Show Fees, Personnel, and Additional Postage.   I create 2 columns one labeled “Budgeted” and the other “Actual,” this allows me to track my actual spending and to see how close I’m getting to what I’ve budgeted.  Majority of the time I’m a one woman show, but around the Holidays I tend to do more on site shows and need to put aside capital for vendor fees and personnel to help out.  Kabbage is actually an excellent resource to gain additional funding this time of year to help out in these areas particularly.  Once my budget is set I can begin planning out the rest of the season.


Designing a Holiday Collection

Every year I release a new winter/holiday collection and I begin brainstorming ideas for the collection around May/June.   A lot times I’ll look what current designs are working for me and see if I can create something similar, but extra special for the Holiday Season.  Using a sketchpad and Sharpies I sketch out ideas for designs. Here’s an example of something I created for last year’s collection:

Sketchbook_PolaroidPolaroid_Pumpkin Spice Distress Metal Dangle Earrings 1

I start creating the jewelry pieces around July and they are usually posted up online by August/September.   For this year’s Holiday Collection I was inspired by pyrite stones (also known as fool’s gold).  I found a way to work the stones into my metal designs and came up with pieces I think my customers will like.


Shimmer Holiday Jewelry Collection


Time Management and Organization

The Holiday Season gets busy really fast and if I don’t have a good handle on time management and organization things will go haywire really fast.  With organization I work more efficiently when I have a bird’s eye view of everything.  A few weeks ago I came across the pdf version of Passion Planner and it’s such a lifesaver.  It has helped me organize my tasks and goals week by week.  I include everything in the planner from setting aside time to create marketing content for my Holiday sales to dedicating time to create additional jewelry pieces that are popular during the Holidays.  I also use the Pomodoro technique when completing each of my tasks so that I’m sure to stay on track, but still manage to take breaks get other things done as well.  My office space is also neatly organized into 3 stations, a packaging order station, jewelry creation and supplies station and administration area where I can work on my product listings, work on my website and etc;

Holiday Organization



My marketing plan for the Holiday Season is always extremely detailed since it’s the biggest shopping time of the year.  When creating my marketing plan I also keep in mind that I’m competing with big retailers as well.  I design handmade jewelry, so having deeply discounted items are just not feasible or financially friendly to my bottom line.  However, this gives me a chance to brainstorm and get crazy creative.  For example, this year I’ve created a Holiday DIY Style Gift Guide where once customers sign up to my list they’ll receive the gift guide as well as access to coupon codes and sales I’ll be having throughout the Holiday season,  Holiday Party Looks and other great Holiday centric ideas.  I use this time to not only attract new customers, but interact with current ones as well.  Pinterest and Instagram are also major platforms in my marketing strategy.  Last year I did an Instagram giveaway contest called “Holiday Party Attire” where users would post pictures of their Holiday Attire with a particular hashtag and got a chance at winning a jewelry item from my shop.  This year my big push is “Jewelry Item of the Week” where each week for the next month  customers can receive that item near my wholesale price for that week only.  Last week it was my Hand Stamped Wine Charms and this week it’s the Geometric Floating Cuff Links for Men.  Running a sale like this allows me to remain profitable, but gives my customers a chance to try something new as well in my shop.

How Should I Wear It?

TGIF!  There are so many jewelry style trends out there now that I decided to share a few of my favorite ones.  The key to a trend is not to over do it and to make it your own.  Here are some cute styles I found on Pinterest of a few of my favorite trends.  I’ve even added a new board called “Styling With Jewelry” be sure to follow it!


Layering Bracelets

This is a great way to get a minimalist stacking chain bracelet look.  What I love most about this look is that it’s personalized with the hand stamped chain bracelet.  Simple goes a long way!


Back Necklaces

Back necklaces became a resurrected style from the 1920s when Anne Hathaway adorned the red carpet at the Oscars with her gleaming and stunning necklace.  The key to wearing a back necklace is the necklace has to fit the plunging back.  I love how this necklace flows with the contour of the back line.



Multiple Rings

This trend has to be my absolute favorite one, multiple rings.  It looks even better when you finish the look with a deep colored nail polish like the burgundy color in this picture. The key to this trend is to keep the rings on 3 fingers and not all of them.   Play up the shapes and even try mixed metal looks.

What are some of your favorite jewelry style trends?  Be sure to subscribe to my list for more style tips.  Also, if you haven’t gotten your PINK Glory ring yet, you can still purchase it.  I’ll be donating 50% of each sale of rings sold to the Witness Project of CT.






Summer Is A Good Time To Catch Up On Some Reading

Tomorrow marks the official day of summer.  Here in Atlanta the high has been 90s pretty much all week.  Two of my summer goals were to have start a summer vegetable garden with organic veggies which is done and underway and the other was to list up my summer reading list.  Last summer I only managed to read 2 books, but I have higher expectations this summer.  Here’s my list, it has summer enjoyment books as well as some educational ones.

catching fire

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I’ve pretty much put off watching the movie because I haven’t finished the book yet.   When Living Social had their try Audible for free deal for two months, I jumped on it.  I’ve been listening to the audio version while I design new jewelry creations and commuting in the car–very convenient.  Can’t wait to finish and watch the movie!


By love possessed

By Love Possessed Stories by Lorna Goodison

I couldn’t wait to read this when I saw it listed in Essence magazine (almost 2 years ago), and it’s written by a fellow Jamaican…I must read it!  I can’t wait to read these collections of short stories.


david and goliath

David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell

I’m a fan of Gladwell and his work.  David and Goliath speaks to how to deal with our obstacles and reshaping the way we think about them in order to come out successful.


the lean startup


The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

This has been on my Pinterest board book list for quite some time and I think it’s about time that I read it.  Whether you have an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur way of thinking this book is for you, so let’s read it together.


happy wives club

Happy Wives Club by Fawn Weaver

I had the honor of meeting Fawn last October at Blogalicious and she has to be one of the most down to earth people that I’ve ever met, so when I saw that she was coming out with a book I knew I had to add it to my reading list. See what the secrets are as Fawn travels 12 countries, 6 continents to achieve 1 mission about marriage.

Have you came up with your summer reading list yet?  Please share, would love to see what’s on your book list.  Don’t forget to subscribe to our list.



Business Advice Not Just For the Creative Entrepreneur

Every now and then I like to post business tips and advice that I find helpful and invaluable.   We live in such a content driven society where information is being shoved down our throats so fast that it’s hard to think about and digest it all.  This is the reason why I’m so selective of the contest I take the time to read.  Let’s face it, we all have a “busy” schedule.  These individuals and sites are ones that I refer to on a regular basis because it aligns with what I’m trying to accomplish not only with The Pink Locket, but just career wise and life in general.

Marie Forleo’s Interview with Dr. Ned Hallowell

First let me just say I’m such a fan of Marie, I was introduced to her through listening to podcasts from Amy Portfield (who I mention below).  If you’ve never heard any of Marie’s content–you need to start.  This interview with Dr. Hallowell is called “Why Smart People Underperform” and the title says it all.  Dr. Hallowell gives simple advice that you can use now to perform better, even if you think you’re not underperforming…listen to this interview!


Amy Porterfield’s Podcast “Video Marketing Tips and Tricks With Caleb Wojcik”

Amy is another favorite of mine.  Her podcasts have helped me to tackle Facebook Marketing in a completely different way.  In this particular podcast with Caleb Wojcik, Caleb gives great tips on things to help you improve your video marketing.  I download Amy’s podcast and take on the road with me so that I can listen to them while driving (time management down to a science).   Then I go back to her show notes that list all the tools mentioned in the podcast.



Slideshare’s Influencer Marketing Ideas from Influential Marketers

Remember that “content” I spoke about earlier.  Now you can hear it from influential marketers themselves.  How do we sift through all this content that brands bombard us with?  We remember the ones that standout right?  Why is that?  How can we take those examples and cultivate it to make it our own for our own brands.  Check out this Slideshare!

Make It Monday: Business Tips For The Crafty

Today’s Make It Monday is a slide show I created from my fellow crafty entrepreneurs on Slidshare . Just some tips I’ve learned from experience when creating The Pink Locket.  Hope you find them useful, please be sure to subscribe to my list for more useful information.

Help! I Think I’m Allergic To Certain Jewelry Pieces

As a jewelry designer the most commonly asked question is, “What type of metal is your jewelry made from?” I use a variety of metals that include brass, sterling silver, gold filled and bronze.  The next question that usually follows is “Do those metals have nickel?”  Usually when people are allergic to fashion jewelry, most times it’s nickel that they are allergic too.  Luckily, you don’t have to turn down a nice piece of jewelry because of this allergy.  Here’s a guide that you can use to help you avoid nickel altogether when shopping at my store:

Bold Metal Chain Jewelry

Brass is actually an alloy (which is a combination of metals) made up of copper and zinc.  It is free of nickel and generally safe to wear.  Everyday wear and contact with liquids, lotions or any form of chemicals will lead to a bit of tarnishing, but you can clean it off.  Warm soapy water with a soft cloth works well or even toothpaste believe it or not.  Just be sure to shine it with a soft dry cloth afterwards.


Bronze Ring

Bronze  is also an alloy composed of copper and tin and is also nickel free.  Bronze metal makes beautiful jewelry pieces because it gives sort of an aged and oxidized, but shiny look.



Pink Glory Rings

Copper is a pure metal and allergy free.  It makes great jewelry, over a time copper develops a Patina look which is an oxidized greenish color and still manages to look very nice.  Wearing copper for extended periods of time can make your skin green.  Copper is also super easy to clean, check out how here .



Sterling Silver and Gold Filled

Sterling Silver .925 sterling silver is usually nickel free, 92.5% is silver and the remaining 7.5% is made up of other metals usually copper.  Besides for tarnishing, which can easily be cleaned sterling silver is a pretty good choice for jewelry.

Gold Filled is not to be confused with gold plated. Gold filled jewelry means that gold is permanently bonded to as base metal (usually brass) for durability (if you ever notice how higher carat gold is softer).  Gold filled is a great choice for jewelry because it doesn’t tarnish and doesn’t contain nickel.


Please follow my blog for future jewelry and style tips as well as easy DIY fashion and recipes.

Winterizing Your Skin

Winterizing Your Skin

Wintertime is near and I know we get our cars winterized, but what about our skin?  Do we really prep it for this time of year?  Moisturizing is just as important as cleansing and skin protection.  These are some products that can help you get your skin ready for winter (and I have a feeling it’s going to be a brutal one).  I’ve even added these items to my personal “items to get” for this season and since I’m a label reading queen when it comes to products (the less the better), these items have great ingredients that will result in great benefits for your skin.  Since I’m all about supporting handmade and small businesses most of these products fall into those categories, so let’s help support great people creating great products.

  1.  Organic Pineapple and Papaya Exfoliant by Fresh Organic Body Care is made with organic and natural ingredients and is for all types of skin.  Which is great for me since I have a combination of skin types. ($45)
  2. My Sister’s Shea Butter by The Staton Sisters made with 100% unrefined shea butter and oils like olive and grape seed that are sure to keep you moisturized and ash free. ($6)
  3. Buttercup and Jake Lip Balm made with only six ingredients and very gentle and safe.  A simple lip balm that will keep your lips moisturized. ($13 for set of 3)
  4. Bobbi Brown SPF 50 Protective Face Base gives the sun protection you need, especially in the winter.  Very lightweight and absorbs well, so it’s great for oily skin too. ($39)
  5. Derby City Soap Co ‘s hand cream has five ingredients, two are coconut and avocado oil and will leave your hands and cuticles soft.  Hands get extremely dry during the winter, keeping them moisturized is extremely important. ($10)
  6. Water Bottle with Infuser Drinking water is vital to keep your skin well hydrated, especially with the changing seasons.  You can even make drinking water interesting by adding fruit and veggies to your infuser. ($9.99)
  7. Bio Active Organic Under Eye Cream Around the eyes can be one of the driest spots on our skin, keep it hydrated.  This cream is very light and can be used on all skin types. ($6)
  8. HoMedics Humidifier will actually help prevent parched skin by keeping it hydrated.  If you sit at a desk for majority of your day like I do, a small desk one like this is perfect. ($20)
  9. Goatmeal and Honey Soap is a mild soap made with goat milk, honey and coconut milk.  Your skin will love these richly moisturizing ingredients.  ($2.49)
  10. Dry Body Brush will help encourage circulation and brush away dead skin leaving your skin smooth.  ($10)

Quick Jewelry Fix With Items From Your Makeup Bag

It has happen to all of us.  We got up, got dressed, did our make-up and accessorize with jewelry then beeline out the door.  Then well into our day (I’m just going to say around lunch time), you grab your coat to head out for a break and your necklace snags on the collar of your coat and breaks.  It seems like the only option is to just take the darn necklace and slide it into a compartment in your handbag.  Well ladies here’s a little trick I picked up that will literally take you 45 seconds and your makeup bag.  If you have a tweezers and nail clipper in your make-up bag then you’re all set!  Now this is JUST a quick fix and I do not recommend making a habit of fixing your jewelry with a nail clipper and tweezers, especially if those are tools you use regularly since it will make you tools dull.   If you want  you can purchase a separate set just for quick fixes.  Hope you enjoy this tip.  Be sure to subscribe to my channel and blog from future tips.