Gifts For Valentine’s Day

Happy Friday everyone!  It just seemed like the Holidays were just over now we’re onto the next one.  Just wanted to remind you of our cut off to place your orders for Valentine’s Day, especially if you are looking to “Personalize for Your Valentine.”  The personalized jewelry option is especially popular this time of year, so be sure to place your order early at our Etsy Store.Valentine's Day Holiday Deadline

Father’s Day Coming Soon…

Father's Day IG 2

Father’s Day is just next month.  We have a few new cuff links just in time for the big day!  Check them out at our Etsy store .

I’ve been on quite a hiatus for the past two months, but it’s with good reason.  Since little man decided to make his grand appearance 3 weeks earlier than planned, I’ve been living and breathing motherhood with a newborn.  I can finally understand when I hear other mother’s say that this is the greatest challenge, but most rewarding thing they’ve ever done.  Check out some pics of my little pumpkin.

We have lots in store on our “Pink Agenda” this month.  Time to get that Holiday shopping out of the way.  Stay in the  loop with our Holiday sales, starting with Black Friday.  Just follow me on twitter, as I will be tweeting coupon codes for our Etsy shop and sale start times!