Winter Wedding in Cobalt Blue

Winter Wedding in Cobalt Blue

Trip Back Home

Well this past weekend I got to see my beloved baby niece for the first time and what can I say other than she is truly the cutest little person ever.  She’s soo giggly and cute that it makes you want to just pinch her chubby little cheeks.  Check out the Miss Diva:


I also attended my aunt’s wedding and got to see my sisters from Cali.  Lets just say I think we all looked pretty hot and fabulous at the wedding.  There is an element of fun in getting all dolled up with some place to go.

Reanne, Mikelah & Rikkia

Reanne, Mikelah & Rikkia

Reanne, Me & Rikkia

Reanne, Me & Rikkia

Of course my outfit would not be complete without a specialty jewelry piece from The Pink Locket.  I think this ring went pretty well with my tube BeBe dress.

Blue and Silver Cluster Ring

Blue and Silver Cluster Ring